Our School Community
St. Damian’s prides itself on its links with the wider community. We work together to support the well-being and growth of all.
Parent involvement is always welcomed, encouraged and valued.
Education Board
Our School Education Board supports and advises the Principal and Parish Priest on matters pertaining to the development of St Damian’s Primary School. The Board membership consists of the Parish Priest, Principal, Deputy Principal, Class Level Representatives and Committee Representatives.
Parents’ Committee
The Parents’ Committee at St Damian’s consists of a vibrant group of parents from all year levels. They meet regularly to raise funds and to build school community relationships
St Damian’s Out of School Hours Care
The Out of School Hours Care(OSHC) programs are facilitated by Camp Australia. The number of staff depends on the number of students attending on any particular day, but on most occasions a Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator and a Leader will be present.
Camp Australia website: https://www.campaustralia.com.au/
St. Damian’s Parish Mass Times
Saturday Vigil 5.30pm
Sunday 8.00am and 10.00am
Italian Mass
1st Wednesday each Month 10.00am
Monday – no Mass
Tuesday – 9.15am
Wednesday – 9.15am
Thursday – 9.15am
Friday – 9.15am